
Posts Tagged ‘revamp’

The one (and ONLY) downside to bargain shopping is that sometimes, the items are not in the best condition. Things may need minor alterations, an added button or a stitched hem here and there. So you have to invest the time for that $2 score.

I purchased a beautiful giraffe print burlap/leather Diane Von Furstenberg purse at Jeremy’s in December. It was during one of the crazy 70% off sales and I scored it for like $15. As soon as I got home, I transferred all of my items from my old purse into my new one and rocked it RIGHT away.

Well, a few weeks passed… and the poor thing started falling apart. 😦

The burlap part started tearing and people would say ‘Do you know your bags torn?’ I decided I needed to either part ways or think of something extra crafty to save it.

Seeing how I recently started a new business (more on that later!!) I can’t just throw away a purse since I don’t have super funds to just go out and get a new one!!

So – I was extra crafty and here’s how I brought my bag back to LIFE!!

Here’s the bag before – super cute; but very worn!!!

I decided I wanted to cover the worn part with a scarf! I found this PERFECT one at Thrift Town for .99!

I took the scarf, wrapped it around the majority of the bag, pinned it in place, and hand stitched it on.

And…. Voila!! I think I did this bag justice by giving it another go! It’s just too cute (scarf or not) to pass up!!

What do you think? yay or neh?

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